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TUMCSE – TUM Club for Sustainable Entrepreneurship


TUM Club for Sustainable Entrepreneurship is a community and student initiative born in TUM Campus Straubing in June 2022 to connect students in our campus to entrepreneurship events in the Munich ecosystem. In December 2022, determined to make Straubing more active on entrepreneurship, a group of 15 people decided to become proactive creators of opportunities. TUM Club for Sustainable Entrepreneurship currently reaches more than 250 students.

Our Manifesto


“Empower and lead sustainability-driven innovators.” 

Our vision is to create an ecosystem to solve real-world problems by turning the ideas into structured middle and long-term projects shaping a sustainable future to have a positive impact on societies.


“Inspire and build a community of passionate innovators who collaborate, innovate, and support one another. Unleash their potential and give them opportunities to disrupt sustainability.”

Our mission is to connect people interested in sustainability and entrepreneurship, supporting them in learning and building their projects, so that they can have a global impact.

Our Values

At TUMCSE we share the same values and established some principles.

“Sustainability First” 

We act for balancing between the economical viability, environmental protection and social equity.

“Dare to Dream”

Pursue your vision with courage, be ambitious and take risks wisely.

“Make it happen”

Act like an innovator, and have a worldwide impact.

“Be a community”

We always collaborate and support each other the best we can.

“Curiosity is the key” 

Embrace fast worldwide changes by going one step beyond current trends.


Commitment and trustworthiness are necessary for our leaders and members.

Our Goals
Despite being young, we have plenty of goals. These are our strategic guidelines to achieve our vision and mission.

  1. Create a collaborative community of student entrepreneurs who learn, support one another and innovate to embrace challenges and pursue their entrepreneurial goals and ambitions.
  2. Help students develop the skills and knowledge they need to succeed as entrepreneurs, including business planning, marketing, finance and leadership.
  3. Foster a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship on campus by connecting students with successful entrepreneurs and business leaders and hosting events, workshops, and networking opportunities.
  4. Promote social entrepreneurship and responsible business practices by encouraging students to develop startups that have a positive impact on society and the environment
  5. Encourage students to think creatively, take risks and embrace challenges/failures.

What we do

Touchbase Meetings

The Touchbase meetings are biweekly meetups, where we discuss new technologies, emerging startups and interesting topics in general. The sessions are designed to be independent from each other to allow everyone to join at any time. This is the place you want to be if you want to meet us and all the other people interested in sustainable entrepreneurship on campus.

Startup Interviews

The TUMCSE Startup Interviews is a ongoing format where our team members get to know interesting entrepreneurs in the sustainability field. For our first season we interviewed the co-founders of Phelas, start-up in the energy storage sector, and Bavertis, startup in the battery technology sector. Our next season is on the planning stage.

Season 1, available at:

Future Activities

  1. Create informative social media campaigns
  2. Organise and share events (Networking, Pitch Competitions, Hackathons, etc.)
  3. Organise training on technical, entrepreneurial and sustainability hard and soft skills.
  4. Collaborate with other organisations with similar missions.
  5. Organise company visits.
  6. Provide consulting services on sustainability to companies.
  7. Matchmaking for people with similar interests and complementary skills together.
  8. Create working groups to tackle corporate challenges and competitions.
  9. Proactively work to improve TUM entrepreneurial offering and infrastructure at TUMCS.


You can contact us at
Follow us on Instagram (@tumcse), Linkedin and Youtube (
You can join our main communication channel with the QR-Code down here.

The respective university group is responsible for the content of this page.


Student Council
TUM Campus Straubing

Room 00.009
Schulgasse 22
94315 Straubing

Mail address
Petersgasse 5
94315 Straubing

Phone: +49 9421 187-585

Board of Directors
Nick Büchelhofer, Luise Hönisch

Sude Berfin Türker, Xochilt Montero Flores

AKs & Unisport
Lioba Ostertag

Tabitha Schröder, Andreas Richter

Operations & More
Julia Hüsler, Martin Gonzalez

Campus Wellbeing
David Kornherr, Michelle Braun

University Policy
Liam Washtell, Miran Kocyigit

Malak Alfiky, Nick Büchelhofer