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Management, Economics & Sustainability
To enable the structural change towards a bioeconomy and more sustainable economic systems it is essential to accompany the transformation processes from an economic and social perspective. This is achieved through basic and application orientated research in core subjects of management, economics and sustainability sciences.
Project highlights
Project r+TeTra – Innovative Technologies for Resource Efficiency – Impulses for Industrial Resource Efficiency
In this project, the TUM Professorship for Circular Economy accompanies together with the Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research (ISI) research projects in the field of industrial resource efficiency in their development process. The main part of the TUM in this project is the assessment of sustainability potentials which can be achieved through these research projects.
Biotenside Alliance
In the biotenside alliance research partners from universities, research organisations and industry develop new and sustainable tensides on the basis of renewable raw materials. In this project the TUM Professorship for Circular Economy coordinates the works on the sustainability assessment of the developed new products and processes.