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Student representatives at TUM Campus Straubing

Student representatives at the TUM Campus Straubing

We represent the interests of all students at TUMCS. In university politics we are represented for you in the student council (interdepartmental), in the institute council and in the faculty council (locally). In addition, we sit on study grant committees and on appointment committees for new professors.

The main task here at TUMCS is the organization of various events every semester. This ranges from parties to sporting events and running dinners to pub crawls. We also strive to make the start of the semester at our campus as smooth and memorable as possible for all first-year students. But we also don’t lose sight of the day-to-day quality of life on campus: free study rooms, free beer fridge, etc. pp.

We always have an open ear for all calls for help, questions, suggestions and ideas.

So: Everyone who wants to get involved is welcome. The best way is to send us an email to or a message on our instagram (@fachschaft.tumcs). Please specify the department you refer to.

Instagram: @fachschaft.tumcs


Student Council
TUM Campus Straubing

Room 00.009
Schulgasse 22
94315 Straubing

Mail address
Petersgasse 5
94315 Straubing

Phone: +49 9421 187-585

Board of Directors
Nick Büchelhofer, Luise Hönisch

Sude Berfin Türker, Xochilt Montero Flores

AKs & Unisport
Lioba Ostertag

Tabitha Schröder, Andreas Richter

Operations & More
Julia Hüsler, Martin Gonzalez

Campus Wellbeing
David Kornherr, Michelle Braun

University Policy
Liam Washtell, Miran Kocyigit

Malak Alfiky, Nick Büchelhofer