Notices and measures regarding COVID-19
Last update: 6 April 2022
General Information
- 3G rule and checks: As of 3 April 2022, the 3G requirement and compliance checks will cease to apply. This applies to both course meetings and examinations, to employees and guests on all TUM campuses. This means that as of 3 April 2022, there will no longer be a 3G requirement for accessing TUM premises.
- Face masks recommended: Pending further information on the extension of the mask requirement, we urgently and emphatically recommend the use of FFP2 masks on all TUM premises where the minimum distance of 1.5 meters cannot be
maintained. - Home office: The home office requirement expired on 20 March 2022. Due to the ongoing high incidence of infections, however, TUM has made use of its right to permit home office in accordance with pandemic developments. This
regulation will remain in effect at TUM, subject to ministerial guidance to the contrary, through 30 April 2022. Details: HR FAQ - Studying, teaching, exams: Find all current regulations on
- Vaccines work: Make use of the public vaccination campaigns and the TUM vaccination campaign.
- Corona-Warn-App: We recommend all students and employees to use the Corona-Warn-App (CWA) provided by the Robert Koch Institut. What should you do if you see a red tile? Please follow the CWA team’s instructions when the “increased risk” status is displayed.
- Urgent request for support – Volunteer for a Contact Tracing Team (CTT): To reinforce the health authorities in the pandemic response, TUM is asked to nominate staff members on an ongoing basis. Details on CTT deployment
What to do when you have symptoms of a cold
- Employees with mild symptoms such as a sore throat, cough or stuffy nose should inform their supervisor and continue their work at home.
- In such case, you do not need to inform the TUM Corona crisis management team.
- In case of doubt, please contact your doctor.
- If the symptoms of the disease correspond to those of Corona and you decide to get tested, you have to inform your supervisor as well as the rectorate and stay in quarantine until the test result is obtained, for details see below
If showing COVID-19 similar symptoms:
- Common symptoms of a coronavirus infection in addition to the cold symptoms mentioned above are fever, shortness of breath, muscle/joint pain, headache, nausea/vomiting, loss of taste/smell and diarrhea.
- Employees with COVID-19-like symptoms are requested to leave the premises immediately or stay at home.
- Affected persons should immediately contact a doctor or the public health department by telephone for clarification.
- Please note that after a test has been performed, you have to remain in home quarantine until a negative test result is obtained.
- In case of confirmed infections, contact to persons with confirmed infections or occurrence of signs of illness after returning from abroad, the TUM crisis team Coronavirus must be informed immediately at At the same time, please inform your supervisor and the rectorate (
Further information
Permanently updated information on the univerity’s actions and regulations regarding corona can be found at