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Joachim-Walter-Schultze Preis für Prof. Marc Ledendecker

Joachim-Walter-Schultze Preis für Prof. Marc Ledendecker

Prof. Marc Ledendecker has been awarded the Joachim Walther Schultze Prize 2024 for his pioneering work in the development of stable nanoparticles for electrochemical reactions. The German Association of Electrochemical Research Institutes (AGEF e.V.) awards the prize, endowed with 2.000 Euro, every two years to early career independent researchers for their important contribution to electrochemistry-related research topics.

An unforgettable time in Straubing

An unforgettable time in Straubing

The TUM Campus Straubing (TUMCS) for Biotechnology and Sustainability held a graduation ceremony for its graduates on Friday. Around 120 Bachelor’s and Master’s students received a certificate and a flower as a small gift from Rector Prof. Volker Sieber, Vice-Rector Prof. Anja Faße and Dean of Studies Prof. Cordt Zollfrank.

Success in the last EIC Pathfinder!

Success in the last EIC Pathfinder!

We are honored to coordinate the new EIC Pathfinder project BioSinFin over 1110 applications (<4 % success rate). Together with our partners at CSIC and AIMPLAS (Spain), UNITO, ABIEL and LifeCARES (Italy), and ULUND (Sweden), we will focus on developing bio-inspired singlet fission photon multipliers with a novel artificial protein hybrid design to demonstrate efficient and stable multi-photon generation via intramolecular singlet fission to sensitize low-energy emitters in solution and polymer coatings. …

Joachim-Walter-Schultze Preis für Prof. Marc Ledendecker

AFRECAR @ EUCAR Conference in Brussels

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Protecting water as the elixir of life

Protecting water as the elixir of life

On Monday, 4 November 2024, the third Straubing Sustainability Talks will take place at the TUM Campus Straubing (TUMCS) – a joint format of Hochschulstadt Straubing e.V. and the TUM Campus. This time, the colloquium will focus on water. With the event, in which the Bavarian Minister of the Environment, Thorsten Glauber (Free Voters), will also take part, the organisers want to highlight the dangers to which the elixir of life, water, is exposed and how this valuable resource can be sustainably protected.

An outstanding materials scientist

An outstanding materials scientist

The Straubing campus of the Technical University of Munich (TUM) is gaining high-level expertise in the field of materials science: Prof. Dr. Wenwen Fang (35) has been teaching and conducting research in biotechnology and sustainability at the TUM Campus Straubing (TUMCS) since the beginning of September. Prof. Fang heads the professorship for particle and fiber technology for bio-based materials there. The young scientist has already received prestigious EU start-up funding for her research.