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Brain research in space

Brain research in space

The ADDONISS (Ageing and Degenerative Diseases of Neurons on the ISS) project of the WARR student group was launched to the International Space Station ISS today. The winning team of the “Überflieger 2” competition of Deutsche Raumfahrtagentur (DLR) and Luxembourg Space Agency (LSA) conducts research of six neuronal cell cultures in microgravity.

New cooperation between TUMCS and WASEDA University

New cooperation between TUMCS and WASEDA University

A delegation from Waseda University in Japan recently visited the TUM Campus Straubing. The agenda included possible exchange programmes for professors from both universities and the expansion of joint cooperation.

Prof. Costa new member of the Global Young Academy (GYA)

Prof. Costa new member of the Global Young Academy (GYA)

The Selection Committee of the Global Young Academy (GYA) has finalised the selection of 41 new members to join the GYA in June 2023 for a tenure of five years. The GYA’s new member cohort includes representatives from 31 individual countries, covering all GYA general disciplines. One new member is Prof. Rubén Costa, head of the chair of Biogenic Functional Materials at TUM Campus Straubing.