New production path for ethanol developed
Ethanol is already being used as a fuel and blended with fossil gasoline. You can find it at the gas station, for example, when you fill up with E-10. Up to 10% ethanol is then added to the gasoline. The ethanol is mainly produced by fermenting sugars (alcoholic fermentation).
“I’ll try to stay connected to the TUMCS”
With Dr. Abu Siddique, researcher at the Chair of Economics of Prof. Sebastian Goerg, another post-doc – after Dr. Manuel Ostermeier – has the opportunity to establish his own professorship as of January. Dr. Siddique will be teaching and researching in London. A conversation about his time at TUM Campus Straubing and what he will miss about the city of Straubing.
The three dimensions of sustainable supply chains
Why are sustainable supply chains more relevant than ever? And what exactly is behind this concept of “sustainable supply chains”? Prof. Dr. Alexander Hübner, who holds the professorship for Supply and Value Chain Management at the Technical University of Munich, explained more about this topic in his latest inspirational lecture on the topic of sustainability at the TUM Institute for LifeLong Learning.
Wissenschaftspreis Straubing 2022 – Apply now!
Award for the promotion of science and research in the Competence Center for Renewable Resources The prize is awarded to students, doctoral candidates or scientists working at the Competence Center for Renewable Resources and have drawn attention to themselves through...
Looking Behind the Doctorate – Get to know Samuel Sutiono
Samuel Sutiono is a biotechnological researcher who obtained his master’s degree from Lund University, Sweden and then pursued his doctoral research at the Technical University of Munich at the Chair of Chemistry for Biogenic Resources, TUM Campus Straubing. For his thesis on the development of biocatalysts for the production of chemicals, he was awarded the international Dimitris N. Chorafas prize.
TUM Sustainability Award for Prof. Fröhling
Great honour: On yesterdays DiesAcademicus, Prof. Johannes Fottner (Chair of Materials Handling, Material Flow, Logistics) and Prof. Magnus Fröhling (Professorship Circular Economy at TUM Campus Straubing) received the prestigious TUM Sustainability Award on behalf of the CirculaTUM research alliance
Straw to Gold – when bioeconomy becomes the new normal
On November 22nd the students of the TUM Campus straubing and external visitors had the opportunity to attend the exciting lecture of Mrs. Eschenlohr. The online lecture, organized by Prof. Claudia Doblinger (Head of the Innovation and Technology Management Chair) and PhD student Dominik Fischer, offered interesting insights into the successes and challenges of building an impact startup
Special Issue in Advanced Energy Materials
Together with Prof. De la Peña O’Shea (IMDEA Energy), Prof. Costa and his group have settled a special issue focused on Sustainable Materials and Processes for Energy Conversion and Storage.
On the Road to a Bioeconomy
Fittingly, Halloween weekend marked the start of the eagerly awaited 26th United Nations Climate Summit. Instead of spooking themselves with horror movies, representatives of the member states traveled to Glasgow, Scotland, to discuss the next steps in the fight against a real scare that threatens to come out on top.
Sustainability affects the DNA of the entire Company
The corporate mindset has shifted. Sustainability has often been only part of the corporate social responsibility and not necessarily anchored across the different business functions and the value proposition of the firm. This has changed tremendously in recent years. According to the World Economic Forum, climate action failure is one of the top global risks.