
“It’s all about Developing Green Companies”
The new bachelor’s degree program Sustainable Management & Technology will start in the upcoming winter semester 2021/22 at the Campus Straubing for Biotechnology and Sustainability of the Technical University of Munich (TUM). In this interview, Prof. Alexander Hübner and Prof. Sebastian Goerg, who are responsible for the program, talk about the special features of the course and the career opportunities for graduates.

Avoiding food waste with better planning tools
The purpose of the EURO Working Group on Retail Operations is to advance the development and application of Operational Research (OR) methods, techniques, and tools in the field of Retail Operations. The second digital meeting of the EWG Retail Ops took place on March 26, 2021, with almost 60 participants, from the USA, Asia and Europe, and was organized by Sandra Transchel and Prof. Alexander Huebner.

“You can’t do this kind of planning with pencil and paper”
Prof. Alexander Hübner and Prof. Clemens Thielen are conducting research on resource management and optimization processes at the TUM Campus Straubing. The topic has taken on decisive significance for the healthcare sector in the course of the pandemic. In an interview the two researchers share some insights on their Covid-19 lecture “Personnel Deployment and Bed Planning in the Hospital”, to be held on June 9.

Protein-based Lighting Team Wins Royal Society Of Chemistry’s Prestigious New Horizon Prize
An international collaboration of scientists at institutions including Technische Universität München, Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg and Centro de Fisica de Materiales have been named the winner of the Royal Society of Chemistry’s new Materials Chemistry Division Horizon Prize: Stephanie L Kwolek Award.

“I truly believe that diversity in backgrounds, countries, and trainings enables new inputs that spur research and makes it more fruitful and exciting.”
Professor Claudia Doblinger, who leads the Innovation and Technology Management Professorship at TUM Campus Straubing for Biotechnology and Sustainability, and is one of the members of the Center for Life Science Management & Policy, discusses her team’s research and teaching priorities.
New degree programs at TUMCS and TUM
The Technical University of Munich (TUM) will launch five new degree programs in the upcoming winter semester. TUM is expanding its course offerings in the new Department of Aerospace and Geodesy as well as in the interdisciplinary field of management, technology and sustainability.

Preventing climate change with the help of circular economy
The circular economy can have a decisive impact on Germany achieving its climate, resource conservation and sustainability targets. The Circular Economy Initiative Deutschland has now published recommendations for policy makers, the private sector and researchers. Prof. Magnus Fröhling of the TUM Campus Straubing for Biotechnology and Sustainability is part of this initiative. In this interview he explains how a circular economy can get underway.

Enzyme system for the hydrogen industry
An enzyme could make a dream come true for the energy industry: It can efficiently produce hydrogen using electricity and can also generate electricity from hydrogen. The enzyme is protected by embedding it in a polymer. An international research team with significant participation of scientists from Technical University of Munich (TUM) has presented the system in the renowned science journal Nature Catalysis.

The Changing Face of Energy: Podcast with Susanne Kurowski
Episode 3 of the new podcast series “Sustainability. Time to Change” is about cleantech and the energy transition. In this episode we speak with Susanne Kurowski, a researcher at Professorship for Innovation & Technology Management at the TUM Campus Straubing. She shares her insights into a transition to clean energy, the start-ups driving these changes and their struggles with sourcing funding and surviving the “Valley of Death”.
Podcast of the TUM Institute for LifeLong Learning with Prof. Burger
The new podcast series “Sustainability. Time to Change” presented by TUM Institute for LifeLong Learning, dives into the work of our TUM community and shares their vision of how their work can help to improve the world we live in. In the first mini-series which will air over the next couple of weeks, the podcast hosts John Pye and Thomas Münch of TUM Institute for LifeLong Learning talk with their guests about the topic: “Sustainability. Time to Change.”