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Prof. Rubén D. Costa is honored to be supported by the European Research Council (ERC) to realize the Proof of Concept (PoC) project CERES – Crop Efficient Red Emitting Sources. This generous funding will allow Prof. Costas Chair of Biogenic Functional Materials to explore new avenues of our multidisciplinary research portfolio supported by ERC-Co InOutBioLight.

Portrait Prof. Dr. Rubén Costa

Prof. Dr. Rubén Costa, Chair for Biogenic Functional Materials TUMCS

The chair aims to evaluate potential commercial applications of new protein-based down-converting red-emitting LED sources, ranging from eco-efficient protein up-scaling to the fabrication of large-area protein filters for testing in relevant working conditions. “This will allow us to determine if there is a realistic market and business impact”, Prof. Costa says.

“This project is the result of the collective work of my research group and collaborators, to whom I am very grateful for their efforts. Thanks! CERES is a great recognition that validates our work and encourages us to work hard”, so Prof. Costa.

The ERC PoC funding line is a funding line that can be awarded in supplement to the ERC funding lines (Starting, Consolidator, Advanced and Synergy Grants). It is therefore aimed exclusively at ERC grantholders who wish to further develop a result from their ongoing or completed research project beyond pure research.