Prof. Dominik Grimm, Head of the Professorship of Bioinformatics at HSWT on the TUM Campus Straubing (TUMCS), gave a talk on “Weed Detection with Drones and Artificial Intelligence” at the Haus der Bayerischen Wirtschaft (hbw) in Munich on 24 November.
As part of the event series “Forschungsland Bayern – Hier wächst Wissen” (Bavarian Research State – Where Knowledge Grows), participants were given an insight into research and innovation at the Bavarian State Ministry of Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Tourism, according to the organisers. The cooperation event with the vbw – Vereinigung der Bayerischen Wirtschaft e. V. and the Kompetenz-Netzwerk Digitale Landwirtschaft Bayern (KNeDL) was held under the motto “Next Level Agriculture – One Step Ahead with AI”.
This year’s event focussed on examples of possible applications of artificial intelligence in practice and addressed the following questions: Is AI the key to a more sustainable, resource-efficient agriculture, forestry and food industry? Will autonomous systems be able to take over management measures across the board in the future or are they just another building block in a new approach to land management? Is the existing legal framework sufficient for the use of artificial intelligence? Where are the opportunities in the use, combination and further development of intelligent technical systems and what risks are associated with them? Prof Grimm’s presentation contributed to a professional exchange.