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Lucía Lara Vargas is the first Bioeconomy M.Sc. graduate at TUM Campus Straubing. In this interview, she talks about the degree program, the Straubing campus and her plans for the future.

Portrait Lucía Lara Vargas

Lucía Lara Vargas, TUMCS’s first Bioeconomy graduate. Photo: private.

Lucía, you studied the Master Bioeconomy at TUMCS from October 2020 to November 2022. How does it feel to be the first graduate in this degree program?

I am grateful for the opportunity to be the first graduate of this program, among many other future sustainability professionals whose work will have a positive impact on our future.

What are your plans now that you have graduated?

I recently started as the Program Manager for the TUM Venture Lab for Sustainability & Circular Economy.

How did you like the degree program, how does it benefit you for your career future?

I liked how we learned about various topics that are important for understanding the complexities of what sustainable development is and how we can contribute to a transition to it. As the need to change business-as-usual practices emerges and becomes more pressing, I have the tools to help, and develop my career in this field.

How will you remember the TUM Campus Straubing?

As a place where I got to know incredible people!

Thank you for this interview and all the best!