First hydropower seminar at the TUM Campus Straubing
Straubinger Tagblatt | 11.10.2019
The Vereinigung Wasserkraftwerke in Bayern from Munich and the Landesverband Bayerischer Wasserkraftwerke from Regensburg organised a joint hydropower seminar on 2 October at the TUM campus in Straubing. For the first time, both associations joined forces to discuss current hydropower issues.
The chairman of the Vereinigung Wasserkraftwerke in Bayern, Diplom-Ingenieur Fritz Schweiger, and Prof. Dr. Josef Kainz, Professor of Energy Technology at the Weihenstephan-Triesdorf University of Applied Sciences on the TUM Campus Straubing, opened the first hydropower seminar, which was attended by over 60 interested hydropower plant operators and students.
Dr. Josef Rampl, branch manager of the Association of Hydropower Plants in Bavaria, moderated the seminar and, after the introduction, passed it on to Dr. Martin Schröder von Seufert Rechtsanwälte from Munich, who gave a lecture on the challenges of the connection permit for hydropower plants. He presented the legal framework that hydropower plant operators today have to comply with if they want to obtain a connection permit.
Christoph Pfeffer, a graduate engineer from the engineering office for energy and environmental technology in Regen, Germany, then spoke about the remuneration possibilities offered by the EEG for hydropower. On the basis descriptive practical examples it showed measures for the increase of the efficiency of water power plants.
Diploma engineer Hermann Steinmaßl, Altlandrat and MdL a.D. from Fridolfing, clarified in its lecture that climatic protection begins in the homeland and humans locally as well as the policy must use the natural strengths of the regions with renewable energies optimally. In this context, the role of hydropower naturally plays an important role in Bavaria and can make its contribution to Bavaria’s energy revolution in a way that is compatible with nature.
Dr. Josef Rampl from the Bavarian Hydropower Association presented a further development concept for Bavarian hydropower and made it clear what political support hydropower needs.
Florian Lugauer and Prof. Dr. Josef Kainz presented a research project that uses a miniature pump storage tank with a pump as a turbine to optimise its own supply.
Finally, graduate engineer Otto Mitterfelner from Forstinning explained the correct level measurement of water bodies. He pointed out the error sources of the level measurement and gave advice on how these can be avoided. Ultimately, the correct level measurement is crucial for determining the correct minimum water volume.