Green Fuel Center
Referenzzentrum für Synthetische Kraftstoffe Straubing
Das Green Fuel Center (GFC) setzt neue Maßstäbe in der Herstellung erneuerbarer Kraftstoffe. Durch optimale Kombination von Bioenergie und erneuerbarer elektrischer Energie entwickeln die Forscherinnen und Forscher am GFC neue Kraftstoffherstellungspfade für die nachhaltige Mobilität von morgen. Das GFC integriert dabei alle Entwicklungsschritte von der naturwissenschaftlichen Grundlagenforschung, über die verfahrenstechnischen Pilotierung bis zur Nachhaltigkeitsbewertung. Durch seine Vernetzung mit industriellen Partnern und innerhalb des TUM-Verbunds stellt das GFC Praxistauglichkeit und schnelle Umsetzung sicher.
KickOff-Veranstaltung Green Fuel Center
der TUM am Campus Straubing
Am 10. Juni 2021 wurde das Green Fuel Center mit einer kleinen Vortragsreihe eröffnet. Im folgenden präsentieren wir Ihnen einige Mitschnitte der virtuellen Veranstaltung.
Videobotschaft zur Eröffnung von Staatsminister Hubert Aiwanger
Vorstellung GFC: Prof. Dr. Volker Sieber, GFC
CV Voker Sieber
Prof. Sieber studied chemistry at the University of Bayreuth and the University of Delaware. After obtaining his doctorate in biochemistry, he went to the California Institute of Technology as a research fellow. Following a brief sojourn at McKinsey & Co., Prof. Sieber held a number of positions in the chemical industry between 2001 and 2008 (Degussa, Süd-Chemie). He has been a full professor at the Technical University of Munich since late 2008. In parallel, since 2009 he has built up and headed a Fraunhofer Institute branch in the area of bio-, chemo- and electrocatalysis. Since 2017 Prof. Sieber is Rector of the TUM Campus Straubing for Biotechnology and Sustainability where the Technical University of Munich concentrates its research and teaching in bioeconomy. Since 2015 Prof. Sieber has been one of the founding members of the Bioeconomy council for the government of the Free State of Bavaria (spokesperson between 2018 and 2021) and since 2020 he is the spokesperson for the Bavarian Innovation Cluster for Industrial Biotechnology.
Impulsvortrag Anwender: Fabian Donus, MTU
Titel: „Nachhaltige Luftfahrt – Die MTU Technologie-Roadmap”
CV Fabian Donus
- Seit 2008 bei MTU
- Einstieg in der Fachabteilung für Leistungsrechnung im Projekt zur Entwicklung des Getriebefan-Triebwerks für die A320NEO
- Wechsel in die Vorauslegungsabteilung als focal point für revolutionäre Antriebskonzepte im Rahmen von CleanSky und HORIZON2020 Fördervorhaben
- Wechsel in die Unternehmensstrategie zum Aufbau des MTU InnoLab als Inkubator für radikale Innovationen
- Seit März 2021 Leiter des Innovationsmanagements der MTU mit Schwerpunkt nachhaltige Luftfahrt
Impulsvortrag Hersteller: Dr. Gerhard Wagner, OMV
Titel: OMV’s vision for climate neutral fuels – state of the play
CV Gerhard Wagner
Dr. Gerhard Wagner has been Managing Director of OMV Deutschland GmbH and Site Manager of the OMV Burghausen refinery since 2013.
He started his career at OMV in 1991 and passed through various positions at the Burghausen refinery. From 2007 to 2012, he was Site Manager of the OMV Schwechat refinery near Vienna.
Dr. Gerhard Wagner studied chemistry at the Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich. In 1992, he received his doctorate in chemistry from Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Heinrich Nöth.
In addition, Dr. Gerhard Wagner is
- Member of the Board of the Petroleum Industry Association (MWV/IWO)
- Member of the Advisory Board of the Petroleum Stockholding Association (EBV)
- Member of the Bord of Association of the German Chemical Industry (VCI/VBCI)
- Member of the German Scientific Society for Petroleum, Natural Gas and Coal e.V. (DGMK) Member of the Advisory Board of TÜV Süd
- Member of various committees of FuelsEurope
- Chairman of the Steering Committee of ChemDelta Bavaria
Impulsvortrag Hersteller: Dr. Christian Librera, Clariant
Titel: Making European sustainable mobility a reality with Clariant’s sunliquid® technology
CV Christian Librera
Christian Librera was appointed Vice President and Head of Clariant’s Business Line Biofuels & Derivates effective June 2020. Before his current role, Christian was Vice President of Business Segment Syngas in Clariant’s Business Unit Catalyst (2016 – 2020).
Prior to this, he was Regional Head of Production EMEA of Clariant’s Business Unit Catalysts and Site Manager for the Catalyst Unit of Süd-Chemie AG’s Heufeld facility in Germany, where he had been Production Manager Catalysts since 2008. Before joining Süd-Chemie, Christian held various positions at Celanese Chemicals which he joined as Six Sigma Black Belt in 2003. Born in Schwäbisch Hall, Germany in 1975, Christian holds a PhD in organic chemistry from the University of Würzburg, Germany and a Master of Science degree from the University of Cincinnati, USA.
Impulsvortrag Hersteller: Jaymish Patel & Wouter Meuldermans, BioQuest Alliance
Titel: Innovation in Technology and Business – how innovation synergy defines the economy and sustainable development.
CV Jaymish Patel
I am a chemical engineer and innovator in clean energy and technology which gave me the impetus to start Biofuel Evolution and led to my involvement with BioQuest Alliance – two ventures that I am extremely passionate about. I would describe myself as an open-minded individual and a team player who is always willing to learn. In 2017, I took part in the Natwest Entrepreneur Accelerator programme (based in London) as a sprint participant representing Biofuel Evolution. In 2016, I obtained an MSc in Chemical Process Engineering at UCL, my chosen research project focused on the design of an ammonia-to-hydrogen fuel cell system supervised by Professor Dan Brett. Before embarking on my MSc, I was a Technical Clerk at KBR, Inc. and completed an Open University course in elements of renewable energy. In 2013, I completed my undergraduate BEng degree in Chemical Engineering at Aston University.
CV Wouter Meuldermans
As an independent and entrepreneurial person with a firm belief that it is every person’s moral duty to improve upon society to the best of their abilities, I have always liked to share my experience and expertise. WorldEscrow, as a neutral third party, offers the perfect vessel to do just that: share my knowledge and experience with companies, where I can further develop my skills, and share them onwards. Most of my results and interest at the moment are in the fields of sustainability planning, Knowledge Management, and Business Continuity. Most of my skills in these fields are organisational and strategic, but operational deployment is a distinct possibility. I am further an experienced and confident presenter, with more than a little sales experience sprinkled throughout.
Impulsvortrag Technologie-Transfer: Dr. Arne Roth, Fraunhofer IGB
Titel: Synthetic fuels for the aviation sector: Needs and options
CV Arne Roth
Dr. Arne Roth works as Head of the Innovation Field Sustainable Catalytic Processes at the Fraunhofer Institute for Interfacial Engineering and Biotechnology IGB in Straubing, Germany. His main research focus lies on the development of catalytic process cascades for the synthesis of fuels and chemicals from carbon dioxide (CO2). He has acted as coordinator of various national and international collaborative R&D projects (e.g. EU-funded project CO2EXIDE, and is active in initiatives and expert groups related to renewable fuels and chemicals (e.g. aireg e.V.,
Before joining Fraunhofer IGB, Arne Roth worked for Bauhaus Luftfahrt e.V. for more than 8 years, leading the Research Focus Area “Alternative Fuels” with a particular interest in fuels for the aviation sector.
After receiving his diploma degree in Chemistry from the Bielefeld University in 2003, Arne Roth carried out his Ph.D. studies in the field of Bioinorganic Chemistry at the Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena, where he graduated with honors in 2007. From 2008 to 2010 he was awarded a postdoctoral fellowship at the Institute of Nanotechnology of the KIT in Karlsruhe. His research there was concerned with chemical hydrogen storage in solid state materials.
Forschungshighlights am GFC: Prof. Dr. Nicolas Plumeré, GFC
CV Nicolas Plumeré
Prof. Dr. Nicolas Plumeré is leading the group of Electrobiotechnology, at the Technical University of Munich, Campus Straubing for biotechnology and sustainibility. His current research in the fields of organic chemistry and bioelectrochemistry spans from the fundamental (over 60 publications) to the applied research (one granted patent, two patent applications, one start-up), which led to conceptual breakthroughs for applying biological catalysts in electrosynthesis, electrolysers and fuel cells. Among his key achievements are the fundamental findings from his ERC starting grant on wiring and stabilizaton of hydrogenases and CO2 reducing enzymes in electrochemical energy conversion. He has industrial experience from a post-doctoral stay at the biotechnology company of Prof. Wilbur H. Campbell (NECi, USA) where he gained expertise in using redox enzymes in electrobiotechnology.